
A differentiation need to be made in Christendom when it comes to understanding believers and non-believers. As believers our hearts, minds and spirits should be open to the Spirit, Voice, and Will of God. In the past twenty plus years of being in ministry; I have read and studied a lot, seen and experienced a lot; yet, I still have to ask myself the question, “Why those whom claim to be People of God, those who claim to be yielding themselves to the fruit of the Spirit would have the audacity to insult other believers who don’t agree with their theology, and then use the Holy Scriptures as an instrument to provoke them rather than to enlighten or build them up in God’s Truth?” We as believers are admonished to walk in LOVE, I want to remind you all of the Apostle Paul’s wisdom and counsel which is found in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, THE LOVE CHAPTER. Whether we have a Doctoral, Master, Bachelors, or no degree at all, our knowledge is limited at best, no matter how much revelation, anointing, or how many spiritual gifts we possess, if we interact with others and our interaction lacks the spirit of love, what we know, do or give on a daily basis means absolutely nothing. I would admonish you all to remember that GOD IS LOVE, this is an eternal truth of God’s Word and person; therefore, he/she that does not demonstrate GOD’S LOVE, does not know God and love not HIS people!!!

What if today God visited you and told you to PAY YOUR BILL IN FULL, would you be prepared? What if He said that those who demonstrate His love are covered- are you prepared to pay up? People of God, God have given you the power to accomplish great things, therefore, walk in the spirit of LOVE on today and everyday! Today, God wants, someone to, forgive those who have hurt them. He wants someone, to give a hurting person a loving hug. He wants someone, to call a loved one and encourage him or her, and to give a struggling server a bigger tip. He wants someone, to buy a needy family groceries that has nothing to eat, or to buy someone gas to get to work. He wants someone, to buy school supplies for the child/children of a single or struggling unemployed parent, and to visit the sick person and shut in. He wants someone, to spend time with a lonely elderly person, to smile and greet a person in passing, or just simply say hello. He wants someone to pay someone’s utility bill, rent of car note. He wants someone, to listen to someone else instead of always adding your two-cent, and to encourage someone who is going through a crisis. He wants someone, to pay for the meal of the car behind you in the drive through lane, or to support a friend in his or her endeavors. He wants someone, to assist a schoolteacher in the classroom, to buy a meal card for a struggling college student or to send him or her care packages. He wants someone, to donate to the local pantry, non-profit or church, etc… You get the picture; He wants someone to just simply BE A BLESSING TO SOMEONE ELSE!

Therefore, today be all that you can be… embracing the will and purpose of God for your life, and putting on the mind of Christ… People of God it is high time that we become REAL BELIEVERS, REAL CHILDREN OF GOD, AND TAKE OFF THE MASK, YES THE FAKE AND PHONY FACADES AND JUST BE YOURSELF!!! GOD DID NOT BLESS YOU SO THAT YOU CAN BE A BLESSING TO YOUR FAMILY AND INNER CIRCLE, BUT HE BLESSED YOU SO THAT YOU COULD BE A BLESSING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD!


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